New Life Foundation | No Coming, No Going

Johan Hansen, Ceremony, Forest HallIn a ceremony on Fri we bid farewell to Johan Hansen, the founder of New Life Foundation, who passed away peacefully last week in Bangkok.

The entire customs gathered in the forest hall to pay their respects and remember a very special person. The evening began with a meditation and poem past Thich Nhat Thanh, The Contemplation On No Coming and No Going:

This body is not me.
I am not limited by this body.
I am life without boundaries.
I take never been born,
and I have never died.

Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars,
manifestations from my wondrous true heed.

Since before time, I have been free.
Birth and death are only doors through which we pass,
sacred thresholds on our journey.
Birth and death are a game of hibernate-and-seek.

Then express joy with me,
hold my mitt,
let usa say expert-bye,
say practiced-bye,
to meet once again soon.

Nosotros see today.
Nosotros will meet again tomorrow.

We volition meet at the source every moment.
We encounter each other in all forms of life.

Community members so shared their memories of Johan. 'Inspiring', 'warm', 'energetic', 'compassionate', 'generous', 'humble', and 'visionary' were just some of the ways that he was described past those who had spent time with him. Numerous people recollected that meeting him changed their lives, and indeed, with the founding of the New Life recovery community, he has touched thousands of lives in the five short years since the foundation was established.

After the session of sharing, we sang a Plum Hamlet song together, sending our free energy and compassion to Johan and his family unit. The lyrics were every bit follows:

No coming, no going. No afterward, no earlier. I hold y'all close to me. I release you to be and so costless. Because I am in you lot and you lot are in me. Because I am in you and you are in me.

The vocal was followed by a meditation during which nosotros reflected on the following prayers:

May yous be held in compassion.

May y'all be free from hurting and sorrow.

May y'all be at peace.

Bringing our attention to ourselves.

May I exist open to the pain of grief.

May I be open to the sorrow and the hurting of grief.

May I find the inner resource to exist actually present for my sorrow.

May I forgive myself for mistakes fabricated and things left undone.

May I exist open to receive the kindness of others and the community equally they support me through this journeying of grief.

May I and all beings learn from and transform sorrow.

Lantern, New LifeThe ceremony finished with the lighting of traditional northern Thai lanterns, which we floated into the night sky. As a community, nosotros send our deepest condolences to Johan's family. As a community, nosotros mourn the loss of someone who truly fabricated the world a better place.



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