I Am Born Again Atheist Quotes

A while back, a human being sent me a question nearly how he should respond to his atheist son who has nothing but criticism for Christianity. He told me that he had read several books of apologetics, had used numerous arguments for the existence of God, and had tried to evidence his son all the important things that Christianity had done in the world over the past 2000 years.

Despite all the prove for the existence of God and the arguments for the goodness of Christians, this man'due south son was still not convinced, and remained an atheist. The son pointed out to the father all the hateful things that Christians said and did, as well as all the violent things that God commanded in the Bible. As a outcome, the son told his male parent that he could never believe in or follow a God similar that or trust anyone who represented him.

This father wrote to me to encounter if I had whatsoever insight into what he could tell his son to show him how wrong he was.

There are 2 possible ways I could take answered him. Beginning, at that place is this possible respond:

arguing with atheistic criticism of Christianity

Somehow, I don't think the flowchart above would help any atheist. Sadly, such a flowchart is the route many Christians cull to use when arguing with atheists.

So below is the edited and revised version of what I actually invited this Christian begetter to tell his atheist son:

My son,

You wrote about all the mean Christians you know, and how we have washed and said and so many mean and hurtful things in history, and even in our own day.

You as well wrote nigh all the violence in the Bible which was done in the name of God, and apparently by His command, and how abhorrent this appears to exist.

Regarding these bug, I take only three words to say:

You are correct.

You are right that at that place are lots of people all over the world and throughout time doing lots of horrible things in the proper noun of Christianity.

And there is no point in me saying that all those people who are doing these evil things in the name of God are incorrect, for they would probably say that I am wrong for disagreeing with what they do in God's proper name.

So all I can exercise is agree with yous.

Those hateful things should never have been said. Specially not when said "in the name of Jesus."

Those hurtful deeds should never accept been washed. Especially non "in the name of Jesus."

And while I practise believe in God, I believe in the God revealed in Jesus, who looks nothing similar the fierce deity of the Quondam Testament. This doesn't mean that I don't believe in the Old Testament; I practise. I simply remember something different is going on in those ancient texts than what near Christians assume. Just whatever the Old Testament texts teach, they do not and should not give Christians a license to act like the devil in the proper name of God.

Hither is what I believe:

I believe that Jesus called usa to love people unconditionally.

I believe that any time anybody claims to follow Jesus only they do not love people, they are not post-obit Jesus.

I believe that if what I practice is truthful, then these practices will assistance me honey others more.

Yes, I know that in that location are lots of "religious" things nearly Christianity with which you lot object. But please know that none of that is of import if it doesn't help me dearest others like Jesus.

If these other religious activities do non assistance me dearest others like Jesus, then I hope that one day I am able to weed them out of my life every bit you suggest and become more like yous. If they don't help me love others, then they probably aren't true. And If they exercise help me love others, I hope you volition exist able to see it in my life by how I treat others.

I love you,

I do non think that what I wrote will help this man's atheistic son become a Christian, just information technology will certainly aid the father live more like a Christian.

And that's the point, isn't it?

Christianity is not well-nigh proving others wrong, but about proving others are loved.

Practise you take atheists friends or family members? I invite yous to take a like arroyo with them. Agree with our atheist critics! Admit and confess to the numerous places where Christians have got it wrong, and state that the only real goal of post-obit Jesus is love.

If you do this, y'all may come to realize that maybe, just maybe, atheist are more than in tune to the Holy Spirit than Christians are, and that mayhap, just possibly, God is calling Christians to follow Him more closely through the prophetic voice of the atheist.


Source: https://redeeminggod.com/atheist-criticizes-christianity/

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